Ethereum Classic ETC
-1.71% | -4.23% | -23.61% | -28.75% | -0.7% | 7.72% | -17.42% |
hr | day | wk | mo | qtr | ½yr | yr |
High 24h
Low 24h
All Time High 2024-12-06
All Time Low 2024-08-05
All time data are limited to the time frame we tracked this coin.
Historical data
Data from 2024-01-17 to 2025-02-05
Price chart
Volume chart

Trading pair
0.000208 BTC
Low: 0.000207 BTC
High: 0.000216 BTC
Volume 24h

256x256px PNG
Dark mode

256x256px PNG
Light mode
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